Training Programme and Educational Requirements – James Walker-Powell 2024

Education CPD training plan for James Walker-Powell – 2024

Training programme 2024:

Minimum hours = 40 hours – 5 hours technical competence, 5 hours client care and practice, 5 hours regulatory compliance and consumer protection and 9 hours professionalism and ethics.

1. CPAL Conference – March 2024
Estimated 12 hours, 4 hours on each:
– technical competence
– client care and practice
– regulatory compliance and consumer protection

2. Various meetings and information sessions with Fund Managers, Insurers and Platform providers
Estimated 12 hours, aim for a monthly meeting:
– all technical competence

3. Reading
Estimated 12 hours, 4 hours on each:
– technical competence
– ethics
– client care and practice (individuals, podcast, social media etc.)
– regulatory compliance and consumer protection

4. ALSA Conference
5 hours total;
– general knowledge
– ethics
– technical competence
Total estimated hours = 41


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